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    King’s wait amounted to an unofficial ban, as Hall of Fame chairman Jerry Colangelo told the Daily News that King’s substance-abuse problems early in his career likely kept him out under previous Hall of Fame regimes. During his speech, King made sure to thank Colangelo for “this moment in time I will never forget.”

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  276. How long have you lived here? cipralex gode erfaringer Cutcliffe’s team keeps him plenty busy. Last Saturday, on an afternoon when temperatures topped off at 115 degrees on the field in Memphis and the visiting locker room’s air conditioning conveniently shut down, Cutcliffe’s starting quarterback, Anthony Boone, broke his collarbone in the second quarter. The Blue Devils managed to win and improve to 2-0 heading into Saturday’s game against Georgia Tech, but Boone spent the last week learning how to sleep in a recliner so as to limit motion related to his clavicle. Redshirt junior Brandon Connette assumed the position under center. Cutcliffe assigned Connette the nickname “Phantom” for his ability to play any number of roles, lining up everywhere from tight end to Wildcat to wide receiver and beyond.

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