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  2. The National Gallery cipronex krople do ucha That’s quite a hinterland. But the latter book in particular swiftly garnered a certain infamy, thanks in large part, as Philip Bobbitt points out in his rip-roaring commentary, to a somewhat hysterical counterblast published by the French essayist Innocent Gentillet in 1576, which beat Machiavelli himself to an English readership and set the satanic tone for 200 years of Italophobia, among other things (the reason we don’t do “The Duchess of Malbork” and “The Merchant of Vienna” for A-level is largely because British writers believed Italian political life really was the way Machiavelli – or rather the devilish cartoon of Machiavelli pushed by the likes of Gentillet – had described it).

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    Both sides, following a judge’s request made at the end of a five-day trial last month, filed voluminous closing arguments and summaries late Tuesday, much of which will likely be reprised in the litigation between unions and city authorities in Detroit, which filed for the biggest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history in July.

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